Co-operative Housing Societies

CA. Ramesh Prabhu, CA. D.A. Chougule

  1. Online Co-operative Audit Empanelment for 2024-26 is open upto 15th November 2023:

  2. The Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State, Pune vide notification dated 16th October, 2023 has initially opened the Online application for Co-operative Audit Panel from 23rd October, 2023 to 6th November, 2023. Thereafter, on the representation done by WIRC of ICAI, the period for accepting the Online Application has ben extended upto 15th November, 2023 vide notification dated 6th Nov, 2023. There are three Account type for the Chartered Accountants such as (1) Chartered Accountant (individual), (2) Proprietary Chartered Accountant firm and (3) Chartered Accountant firm (Partnership). The online system identify the Chartered Accountant with PAN number as unique identity. For any technical problems, the department has provided as the official emails to send the queries and get it resolved.

  3. Inviting the suggestions to the draft CRAR norms as may be made applicable to the Village operative credit societies and Urban co-operative Credit Societies in the state of Maharashtra. The draft policy for CRAR for credit societies is issued on 17th October, 2023 by the commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Maharashtra State. The suggestion and objections needs to be submitted to the commissioner officer by 31st October, 2023.